Online Guitar Books
Books for guitar teachers and players.

Vertical Truth
Vertical Truth is a series of method books that apply the principles of music theory to the guitar. It does not deal with music theory in the abstract but is guitar-specific. However, the principles learned are universal and can be applied to
any instrument.
Your Guide to Jazz Guitar
Beautiful website for Jazz Guitarists - one of my favourites!

All Guitar Chords
Chord finder, including split chords and chord variations. Also features standard and exotic guitar scales.
Practical Guitar Theory
A nice simply styled site that presents music theory for guitarists without needing to read conventional notation. Utilities
An unusual site made in Puerto Rico. Has some nice simple music theory lessons on it as well as lots of useful links.
You Can Play Guitar
Billboard top rated instructor Scott Morris offers video instructionals, tab books , and FREE online guitar lessons. New lessons added daily.

Eric Weisstein's Treasure Trove of Music
Ever wondered how music actually works?! I found answers on this site that have actually kept me awake at night! Not for the faint-hearted!
Guitar Masters
A very smart and comprehensive site with nice clear chord diagrams and explanations of music theory etc.
Guitar Secrets
Guitar Secrets offering Free on line Guitar lessons. Learn guitar chords, scales, progressions and much more.
Guitar Theory Resources
A very nice site that I think a lot of guitarists will find a useful source of reference material.